Settegast Heights Redevelopment Corporation Northeast Community
FortBend, Harris-East, Harris-North, Harris-South, Harris-West, Liberty.
Services offered
In-Kind Donations/Bulk, Repair/Rebuild - Rehab, Transportation - Goods, Warehouse - Management, Warehouse - Space.
Active in Disaster Phase
- Preparedness
- Relief / Response
- Recovery – Long Term
- Recovery – Short Term
Time to Mobilize
Less than 4 hours
Physical Address
7738 Rand St.
Houston, Texas77028
Mailing Address
7738 Rand St.
Houston, Texas77028
SHRC is well known in the City of Houston for bringing numerous resources to bear in helping low-to lower income residents of the Settegast Heights to better cope with their impoverished conditions. In response to the devastation from Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Dr. Rosalyn Francis, the Executive Director/Founder of organized a team of professional craftsmen and service agencies to give housing rehabilitation, disaster relief supplies, and hot meals to the low-to lower than income residents of Settegast Heights with the most need (elderly, disabled, and families with children who reside in the damaged and toxic houses). With the assistance of Habitat for Humanities, St. Peter Clavier Catholic Church, other community partners, and volunteers, she was able to rehabilitate five (5) homes in and four in (4) 2021. While the efforts and passion of SHRC are to be admired, the results are more palliative in nature when compared to the massive housing repair needs in Settegast Heights. Services Provided During Non-Disaster Times: Repair/Rebuild and food distributionDisaster Experience
Non Disaster Services
Membertype, Non-Profit Structure
Member /
Member Since
Date Applied for Membership
Rosalyn Francis
Direct Phone
Cell Phone
Reviews by, Date