Sonya Meyers
General Membership Meeting (ZOOM)
After every disaster, housing is always an issue. As many of you may have heard, in October 2022, HUD deployed its first round of funding through the new rapid response program, Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing (RUSH) program to help the lowest-income and most marginalized disaster survivors regain or maintain stable, affordable housing.  An initial $6.8 million […]
Executive Committee Meeting (ZOOM)
Please see your email for the credentials to join this Zoom meeting. AGENDA
General Membership Meeting
50 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77007 50 Waugh Drive, Houston, United StatesAGENDA
Executive Committee Meeting (ZOOM)
Please see your email for the credentials to join this Zoom meeting. AGENDA
General Membership Meeting
50 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77007 50 Waugh Drive, Houston, United StatesAGENDA you shouldn't see this test
Executive Committee Meeting (ZOOM)
Please see your email for the credentials to join this Zoom meeting. AGENDA
General Membership Meeting
Executive Committee Meeting (ZOOM)
Please see your email for the credentials to join this Zoom meeting. AGENDA
General Membership Meeting
Executive Committee Meeting (ZOOM)
Please see your email for the credentials to join this Zoom meeting. AGENDA
General Membership Meeting
50 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77007 50 Waugh Drive, Houston, United Stateslogin to see the Agenda